Family Nurse Practitioner in Columbia - RN to MSN

RN to Master of Science in Nursing in Family Nurse Practitioner

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Admission Requirements
Please see the South University academic catalog for program specific admissions requirements.
Students completing the Nurse Practitioner specialization demonstrate acquisition of the following competencies and proficiencies:
1. Integrate specialty standards of advanced practice nursing to deliver culturally competent, quality healthcare services to individuals, families, populations and systems.
2. Exercise effective leadership, critical thinking and communication skills in the development and implementation of advanced nursing practice services in primary care.
3. Integrate professional nursing standards, values and accountability into role and self development as an advanced practice nurse.
4. Utilize information technology and an evidence-based research approach in the development of nursing knowledge and design of healthcare services for clients, populations and systems.
5. Ensure advanced levels of clinical judgment, systems thinking, and accountability in the implementation and evaluation of evidenced based care to diverse individuals and populations.
Comments and Concerns
All Fields Are Required
The purpose of this form is to provide a process for the general public to submit comments, concerns, or complaints regarding their interaction with the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing, Post Graduate Certificate, or Doctor of Nursing Practice program. A record of all complaints will be maintained and secured by campus administration. If you are a South University student, please submit your comments, concerns, or complaints according to the process outlined in the University Catalog or programmatic handbook. Please contact your Program Director or Academic Counselor if you need additional guidance.
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Outstanding Education for Remarkable Careers
We're committed to helping our graduates make impact in their professional and personal lives. We applaud our nursing alumni and the difference they make. Check out what some of our nursing graduates have to say.
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing, the Master of Science in Nursing, and Doctor of Nursing Practice Programs are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (