When 2007 alumnus Tiffany Goolsby was growing up, inspired by a close family member, she always said she wanted to be a pharmacist – even before she really knew what that entailed. Over time, Tiffany got more serious about her career goal as she realized how well the pharmacy field matched her skills in math and science and her desire to help others.

With help from the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program and faculty at South University, Savannah, Tiffany has been able to achieve the vision she’s had for her career since she was a kid. Today she is an experienced Infectious Diseases Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, currently working for the VA Health Care System in Atlanta, GA.
When Tiffany applied to South University, our School of Pharmacy was still new and she was excited by the opportunity to be among the second cohort of students to enter the program. “I really enjoyed my interview and everyone made me feel at home,” she recalls. “I loved the smaller class size and felt I could really do great things at South.”
Attending South University provided Tiffany with lots of leadership opportunities, including being class historian during her time there, and valuable professional experiences. “I was able to take the lead and make it my own,” she shares. “The professors were also very influential and really helped us find our interest areas. I decided to go with the more clinical pharmacy track and South definitely helped set up related experiences.”
Tiffany recalls several South University professors going out of their way to get to know and help each of their students. “The staff and faculty are really dedicated to teaching,” she says. “It is a tight community and the staff will know your name.”
Tiffany also enjoyed the opportunity to live in Savannah and become close friends with her peers in the Pharmacy program. “Get to know your classmates,” she advises current Pharmacy students. “Even though you may be in a difficult and high demand program, these are the people that will be your lifelong friends.”
After completing her Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2007, Tiffany went on to do two residencies, including one in the area of critical care and infectious diseases, before accepting a role as an Infectious Diseases Pharmacist in the New Mexico VA Healthcare System in 2008. After working in New Mexico and Colorado for around 6 years, Tiffany returned to Georgia in 2015 for her current role with the Atlanta VA Medical Center.
Tiffany is a Board Certified Infectious Disease Pharmacist (BCIDP) and a member of the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists. She holds a Pharmacy-based Immunization Delivery Certificate from the American Pharmacists Association as well as an Antimicrobial Stewardship Certificate from MAD-ID. She is a National VA Antimicrobial Stewardship Task Force Member and the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program Co-Chair. Tiffany also has 6 professional publications to her name. Congratulations to Tiffany on her accomplishments!
If you’re ready to pursue your professional goals, whether in the field of pharmacy or elsewhere, South University can help. Explore our degree programs to learn more or complete our request information form today to speak with a South University representative about your interests.
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